County Council

A Message From the Warden, Yves Laviolette

I am honoured to reassume the role of Warden of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (the “UCPR”) almost 40 years after my first term. I enter 2025 with just as much optimism and dedication to our region as I did during my initial term.

I would like to first thank Mr. Normand Riopel, Mayor of the Township of Champlain, for his two consecutive terms as UCPR Warden. Mr. Riopel has guided our Council brilliantly in 2023 and 2024, and I look forward to continuing his excellent work.

2025 will certainly be a memorable year in our region’s history. My first priority is to officially open the new Prescott and Russell Residence and to move the residents. These new spaces facilitate the work of our staff and provide a more welcoming environment for loved ones. Above all, they allow us to continue offering high-quality care and services, but with state-of-the-art equipment and technology. The new Residence is everything the UCPR Council imagined: bright, comfortable, and inspiring.

My second priority is to find solutions, in collaboration with the other mayors, to counter the budgetary pressures affecting the region’s municipalities. It can be complex, at both municipal and regional levels, to strike the right balance between meeting the needs of the population and adequately funding our services. I therefore intend to do my utmost to adopt a balanced and responsible financial strategy.

Finally, my last two priorities are to continue maintaining municipal roads and infrastructure, as well as to continue planning the 17/174 widening project. Our Council must think strategically to meet the needs of our growing population now and in the future. We have a duty to ensure the safety and quality of life of our residents, as well as to improve the economic links between our region and the City of Ottawa, and that includes our road network.

Truly, teamwork and collaboration are essential. I am confident that, once again this year, the UCPR Council will know how to master the challenges and develop strategies to ensure the well-being of our citizens. It is therefore with pride and enthusiasm that I take on this term as Warden.

2025 Warden
Yves Laviolette

Yves Laviolette, 2025 United Counties of Prescott and Russell Warden