UCPR 2024 Council: A Warden Is Appointed

The United Counties of Prescott and Russell (the “UCPR”) are pleased to announce that Mr. Normand Riopel, Mayor of the Township of Champlain, has been appointed as the Warden of the UCPR for the remainder of the year 2024. Mr. Riopel was elected by acclamation at the Special Council Meeting held this morning.

Mr. Riopel had acted as the Acting Warden of the UCPR since the April 25th Regular Council Meeting, following Mr. Pierre Leroux’s departure on April 19, 2024. He will now continue the work he started as the 2023 Warden.

“I would like to thank my predecessor, Mr. Pierre Leroux, former Mayor of the Township of Russell and former Warden of the UCPR, for his important work during the first months of the year. As the Warden for the rest of the year, I will continue to devote myself to important priorities for the benefit of all the communities in the Prescott and Russell region,” said Mr. Riopel.

The UCPR are also pleased to welcome Mr. Mike Tarnowski, the new Mayor of the Township of Russell, as a Member of the UCPR Council for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term. He was also sworn in during the Special Council Meeting.

Posted on 06/12/2024
Mike Tarnowski and Normand Riopel