The United Counties of Prescott and Russell
Economic Development and Tourism (PREDT) is seeking the collaboration
of the business community in drafting the Prescott and Russell Economic
Response and Recovery Plan.
The purpose of this second survey is to solicit and consider the
various opinions of the region’s entrepreneurs, in order to measure the
evolution of the situation. A first survey was conducted in early May
and the final report is available for viewing.
“We understand the business community’s fatigue towards surveys,
given that over the past few months, the region’s entrepreneurs have
been heavily solicited by numerous organizations,” explained Carole
Lavigne, Director of Economic and Tourism Development for the UCPR.
“However, the survey remains the most effective way for us to consult
with our regional business owners and we hope that the business
community will accept once again to provide us with its input.”
This survey on the evolution of the impacts of COVID-19 on Prescott
and Russell businesses will be distributed on July 8, 2020 to the
business owners on the PREDT distribution list. Businesses not contacted
by July 9 will be able to request a survey by writing to the PREDT Services.
Entrepreneurs will have until July 15, 2020 to respond to the questionnaire.