The United Counties of Prescott and
Russell (UCPR), in conjunction with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit
(EOHU), will proceed tomorrow with the screening of all residents and
employees of the Prescott and Russell Residence.
The Prescott and Russell Residence has been selected, as with all
long-term care homes within the EOHU region, to have all its staff
members and residents tested for COVID-19. These mandatory tests will
take place this Friday, May 1, including the use of a drive-through
system for employees who are not scheduled to work.
This testing comes as a result of the Province of Ontario’s directive
on April 21 to initiate proactive surveillance testing in all
residences, including asymptomatic individuals, to understand the
current status of COVID-19. In accordance with this directive, the
Prescott and Russell Emergency Services began the active screening of
several long-term care homes, with the assistance of their Community
Paramedic program.