New Administrator at the Residence

During a special meeting held this morning, Council Members of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) confirmed the appointment of Mr. Eric Larocque as Administrator of the Prescott and Russell Residence.

On July 7, 2022, the Council Members accepted the resignation of the current Administrator, Mr. Alexandre Gorman, and appointed Mr. Larocque as Interim Administrator, effective July 25, 2022.

“I would like to acknowledge Mr. Gorman’s remarkable professionalism, courage, and determination throughout his time at the UCPR and, more specifically, during the pandemic,” said Stéphane P. Parisien, Chief Administrative Officer of the UCPR. “Despite his young age and extraordinary circumstances, he provided great leadership, led his troops, and ensured the safety of residents with success. We sincerely thank him for his exceptional work and wish him all the best in his professional and personal endeavours.”

Mr. Larocque, the new Administrator of the Residence, has been employed by the UCPR for 21 years, including 13 years as Superintendent and as Deputy Chief of Emergency Services since 2019. He championed several major projects, including the deployment of defibrillators in Prescott and Russell, the launch of the Critical Incident Stress Management Team, and the coordination of regional emergency measures.

“With the construction of the new Residence currently underway, the shortage of health care professionals, and the ongoing pandemic, the challenges ahead for Mr. Larocque are significant,” explained Daniel Lafleur, Warden of the UCPR. “However, Mr. Larocque’s extensive health care experience and his outstanding management skills make him the ideal candidate to maintain our residents’ safety and quality of life.”

Posted on 08/10/2022
General view of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell Council  Chambers with Mr. Lafleur, 2022 Wardens, and Mr. Éric Larocque, new Administrator of the Prescott and Russell Residence